Town of East Hampton LWRP



The Town of East Hampton Local Waterfront Revitalization Program (LWRP) is a locally prepared comprehensive land and water use plan for the Town's natural, public, and developed waterfront resources along the Gardiner Bay/Block Island Sound and Atlantic Ocean shorelines and waterfronts.

The Town of East Hampton LWRP refines and supplements the State's Coastal Management Program and provides a comprehensive framework within which critical waterfront issues can be addressed, and planned waterfront improvement projects can be pursued and implemented. The approval history of the East Hampton LWRP was published in a final public notice.

The highlighted text is a download link for the fulll Town of East Hampton LWRP document.

The links below provide easy access to each part of the Town of East Hampton LWRP, as approved in 2007:

Guide to Using the LWRP

Executive Summary

Section I. Coastal Area Boundary

Section II. Development Policies #1-6

Section III. Significant Habitats Policies #7-8

Section IV. Commercial Fishing Policy #10/10A

Section V. Flooding and Erosion Policies #11-17

Section VI. General Policy #18

Section VII. Public Access Policies #19-20 and Recreation Policies #9, #21 & 22

Section VIII. Historic Resources Policy #23

Section IX. Scenic Resources Policies #24-25

Section X. Agricultural Policy #26

Section XI. Energy Facilities, Ice Management & Offshore Energy Development Policies #27-29

Section XII. Water resources Policies #30-40, 44

Section XIII. Air Quality Policies #41-43

Section XIV. Proposed Projects

Section XV. Local Implementation

Section XVI. State and Federal Actions and Programs Likely to affect Implementation

Section XVII. Consultation with other Affected Federal, State, Regional and Local Agencies

Section XVIII. Local Commitment

Appendix A. Recommendations for Reach 3 - Town Open Space Plan

Appendix B. Recommendations for Reach 5 to 9 - Town Open Space Plan

Appendix C. Harbor Protection Overlay District

Appendix D. Ferry Legislation

Appendix E. Coastal Erosion Hazard Act Regulations

Appendix F. Inventory Checklists and Criteria

Appendix G. Local Erosion Law

Appendix H. Local Consistency Law

Map Gallery

The Town of East Hampton is addressing priority coastal resource issues identified in its LWRP through preparation of a comprehensive watershed management plan for Lake Montauk and enhancement of hard clam and American oyster populations in Three Mile, Napeague, and Accabonac harbors.