City of Ogdensburg LWRP



The City of Ogdensburg Local Waterfront Revitalization Program is a locally prepared comprehensive land and water use plan for the City's natural, public, and developed waterfront resources along the Tibbits Creek and Oswegatchie and St. Lawrence Rivers.

The City of Ogdensburg LWRP refines and supplements the State's Coastal Management Program and provides a comprehensive framework within which critical waterfront issues can be addressed, and planned waterfront improvement projects can be pursued and implemented. The approval history of City of Ogdensburg LWRP was published in a final public notice.

The highlighted text is a download link for the fulll City of Ogdensburg LWRP document.

The links below provide easy access to each part of the City of Ogdensburg LWRP, as amended and approved in 1987:

Section I. Waterfront Revitalization Area Boundary

Section II. Inventory and Analysis

Section III. Waterfront Revitalization Program Policies

Section IV. Proposed Land and Water Uses and Proposed Projects

Section V. Techniques for Local Implementation of the Program

Section VI. State and Federal Actions and Programs Likely to Affect Implementation

Section VII. Consultation with Other Agencies

Section VIII. Local Commitment

Appendix A. Fish and Wildlife Resources of the Ogdensburg Coastal Area

Appendix B. Waterfront Program Consistency Assessment Form

Appendix C. Guidelines for Notification and Review

Appendix D. Procedural Guidelines for Coordinating

Appendix E. Explanation of Policies

The City of Ogdensburg is currently preparing a major amendment to its LWRP in conjunction with the efforts of reclaiming and planning for the reuse of its waterfront brownfields.